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En este tutorial se muestra cómo se puede servir scripts CGI (scripts de Perl) con nginx en CentOS 6.0. Mientras nginx en sí misma no sirve CGI, hay varias maneras de trabajar de esta forma. Voy a plantear dos soluciones: la primera es a las peticiones del proxy para scripts CGI para thttpd, un pequeño servidor web que soporte CGI, mientras que la segunda solución utiliza una envoltura de CGI para servir scripts CGI This tutorial shows how you can serve CGI scripts (Perl scripts) with nginx on CentOS 6.0. While nginx itself does not serve CGI, there are several ways to work around this. I will outline two solutions: the first is to proxy requests for CGI scripts to Thttpd, a small web server that has CGI support, while the second solution uses a CGI wrapper to serve CGI scripts.
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