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Este tutorial muestra cómo configurar un PXE (entorno de ejecución preboot) (preboot execution environment) e instalar un servidor de instalación en Debian Lenny. Un servidor de instalación PXE permite a los equipos clientes arrancar e instalar una distribución de Linux a través de la red, sin necesidad de quemar imágenes ISO de Linux en un CD/DVD, imágenes de disco de arranque, etc.. Esto es útil si los equipos clientes no tienen CD o disquete, si desea
configurar varios ordenadores al mismo tiempo (por ejemplo, en una gran
empresa), o simplemente porque quieres ahorrar el dinero en CD/DVD. En este artículo muestran cómo configurar un servidor PXE que le
permite arrancar múltiples distribuciones (i386 y x86_64): Debian
Lenny, Ubuntu 9.04, Fedora 10, CentOS 5.3, OpenSUSE 11.1, y Mandriva
This tutorial shows how to set up a PXE (short for preboot execution environment) install server on Debian Lenny. A PXE install server allows your client computers to boot and install a Linux distribution over the network, without the need of burning Linux iso images onto a CD/DVD, boot floppy images, etc. This is handy if your client computers don't have CD or floppy drives, or if you want to set up multiple computers at the same time (e.g. in a large enterprise), or simply because you want to save the money for the CDs/DVDs. In this article I show how to configure a PXE server that allows you to boot multiple distributions (i386 and x86_64): Debian Lenny, Ubuntu 9.04, Fedora 10, CentOS 5.3, OpenSuSE 11.1, and Mandriva 2009.1.
This tutorial shows how to set up a PXE (short for preboot execution environment) install server on Debian Lenny. A PXE install server allows your client computers to boot and install a Linux distribution over the network, without the need of burning Linux iso images onto a CD/DVD, boot floppy images, etc. This is handy if your client computers don't have CD or floppy drives, or if you want to set up multiple computers at the same time (e.g. in a large enterprise), or simply because you want to save the money for the CDs/DVDs. In this article I show how to configure a PXE server that allows you to boot multiple distributions (i386 and x86_64): Debian Lenny, Ubuntu 9.04, Fedora 10, CentOS 5.3, OpenSuSE 11.1, and Mandriva 2009.1.
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- Debian elimina el soporte para procesadores Pentium de la arquitectura i386
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