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Microsoft acaba de publicar un interesante libro para desarrolladores de Visual Basic 6 y .NET.

"Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET", es una guía técnica de migración de aplicaciones escritas en Visual Basic 6 al lenguaje Visual Basic .NET.

Su contenido:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Upgrading
Chapter 2: Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET Differences
Chapter 3: Upgrading Options
Chapter 4: Preparing Your Project for the Upgrade to Visual Basic .NET
Chapter 5: Your First Upgrade
Chapter 6: Common Tasks in Visual Basic .NET
Chapter 7: Upgrading Wizard Ins and Outs
Chapter 8: Errors, Warnings, and Issues
Chapter 9: Using Visual Basic 6 with Visual Basic .NET: COM Interop
Chapter 10: Ten Common Upgrade Problems
Chapter 11: Resolving Issues with Language
Chapter 12: Resolving Issues with Forms
Chapter 13: Upgrading ActiveX Controls and Components
Chapter 14: Resolving Data Access Issues
Chapter 15: Problems That Require Redesign
Chapter 16: Upgrading COM+ Components
Chapter 17: Upgrading VB Application Wizard Projects
Chapter 18: Adding Value to Your Applications
Chapter 19: Replacing ActiveX Controls with Windows Forms Controls
Chapter 20: Moving from ADO to ADO.NET
Chapter 21: Upgrading Distributed Applications

Enlace Relacionado:

Free book: Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

Fuente: HispaMP3

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