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Este tutorial le muestra cómo configurar un servicio de almacenamiento de alta disponibilidad con dos servidores de almacenamiento (Fedora 12) que utilizan GlusterFS. Cada servidor de almacenamiento va a ser un espejo del otro, y los archivos se replicarán automáticamente a través de ambos servidores de almacenamiento. El sistema cliente (así como Fedora) será capaz de acceder al almacenamiento si se tratara de un sistema de archivos local. GlusterFS es un sistema-cluster de archivos capaz de escalar a varios peta-bytes. Agrega varios ladrillos -hds- de almacenamiento de sobre InfiniBand RDMA o TCP/IP en un sistema de ficheros de red. Los ladrillos pueden hacerse de cualquier hardware, como los servidores de x86_64 con SATA-II RAID y HBA Infiniband.
This tutorial shows how to set up a high-availability storage with two storage servers (Fedora 12) that use GlusterFS. Each storage server will be a mirror of the other storage server, and files will be replicated automatically across both storage servers. The client system (Fedora 12 as well) will be able to access the storage as if it was a local filesystem. GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. Storage bricks can be made of any commodity hardware such as x86_64 servers with SATA-II RAID and Infiniband HBA.
This tutorial shows how to set up a high-availability storage with two storage servers (Fedora 12) that use GlusterFS. Each storage server will be a mirror of the other storage server, and files will be replicated automatically across both storage servers. The client system (Fedora 12 as well) will be able to access the storage as if it was a local filesystem. GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. Storage bricks can be made of any commodity hardware such as x86_64 servers with SATA-II RAID and Infiniband HBA.
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