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Drupal es un gran CMS pero es poco considerable cuando se trata de alojarlo en el server ganga del sótano compartiendo el alojamiento con otros servidores privados virtuales, con restricciones de memoria. Apache puede ser un delincuente cuando se trata deL uso de los recursos, por lo que una buena alternativa es nginx, un servidor de http rápido, ligero y eficiente que soporta PHP a través de PHP-FastCGI. Así que esta es una configuración bastante ingeniosa para hospedar Drupal y me he tomado algunos tutoriales diferentes y posts de foros para reunir esta guía, que debe tener todo lo que necesita, incluyendo la reescritura del fichero de configuración.
Drupal is a great CMS but is a bit hefty when you host it on bargain-basement shared hosting, and virtual private servers are great but memory-constrained at the low-end. Apache can be a big offender when it comes to resource usage, so a nice alternative is nginx, a fast, light-weight and efficient http server that supports PHP via PHP-FastCGI. So this is a pretty slick setup for hosting Drupal, and I've taken a few different howtos and forum posts to put together this guide, which should have all you need in one stop, including a working URL rewrite config.
Drupal is a great CMS but is a bit hefty when you host it on bargain-basement shared hosting, and virtual private servers are great but memory-constrained at the low-end. Apache can be a big offender when it comes to resource usage, so a nice alternative is nginx, a fast, light-weight and efficient http server that supports PHP via PHP-FastCGI. So this is a pretty slick setup for hosting Drupal, and I've taken a few different howtos and forum posts to put together this guide, which should have all you need in one stop, including a working URL rewrite config.
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