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Este tutorial pretende mostrar algunas de las características del gestor de ventanas Enlightenment como alternativa a los comunes gestores de ventanas Gnome y KDE. Instalo Enlightenment en un ordenador de escritorio con Ubuntu 11.10 instalado. Aparte de la pantalla de inicio de sesión, sin embargo, todos los controles que aparecen en las imágenes deben ser el mismo para cada instalación de Enlightenment, puede instalarlo en cualquier distribución. Enlightenment ya está incluida en los repositorios de Ubuntu, por lo tanto, los usuarios de Ubuntu y los derivados de Ubuntu no tienen problemas al instalarlo. También está disponible para descargar para la mayoría de las distribuciones.
Para Fedora/CentOS/RedHat, etc.. busca:
This tutorial is supposed to show some features of the Enlightenment window manager as an alternative to the often used Gnome and KDE managers. I will install Enlightenment on a desktop computer with Ubuntu 11.10 installed. Apart from the login screen however, all of the controls shown on the screenshots should be the same for every installation of enlightenment, whatever distribution you install it on. Enlightenment is already included in the Ubuntu repositories, therefore Ubuntu users and those of any Ubuntu derivatives won't have any problems installing it. It is also available for download for most other distributions though.
Para Fedora/CentOS/RedHat, etc.. busca:
yum search enlightenment # Cuando lo hayas encontrado instala... yum install enlightenment
This tutorial is supposed to show some features of the Enlightenment window manager as an alternative to the often used Gnome and KDE managers. I will install Enlightenment on a desktop computer with Ubuntu 11.10 installed. Apart from the login screen however, all of the controls shown on the screenshots should be the same for every installation of enlightenment, whatever distribution you install it on. Enlightenment is already included in the Ubuntu repositories, therefore Ubuntu users and those of any Ubuntu derivatives won't have any problems installing it. It is also available for download for most other distributions though.
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