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Ya están disponibles los repositorios de Google para Linux. Estos, le facilitarán la descarga y mantenimiento actualizado de las versiones para Linux de las propias aplicaciones de Google. Sólo tendrá que elegir y configurar sus sistema para uno de los siguientes repositorios. Los principares repositorios soportados:

Existen unas guías de configuración disponibles: (en inglés)

¡ Increible, no tienen para Fedora ni Red Hat ! Esperemos aparezcan con el tiempo.

Ejemplo configuración Fedora:

First, use rpm to install the key, as described in the RPM setup guide.

As root, add the following to a file called google.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/:

name=Google - $basearch

If your .repo file contains gpgcheck=1, signatures will automatically be verified during installation.

You can then use yum as usual, e.g.


Ejemplo configuración Ubuntu / Debian


On an APT-based system (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.), you must download the key and then use apt to install it and refresh your package indexes.
For more information on Google's package signing key, see the Signing Key page.

Run these commands as root:

wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
apt-get update
Recent versions of apt-get will automatically attempt to verify packages on download. If an appropriate key is not found or if the package is corrupted, you will get a message like the following:
WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

Add the following rule to e.g. /etc/apt/sources.list, or if your distro has the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory, add it to a file called google.list in that directory:

# Google software repository
deb stable non-free
then use apt as usual, e.g.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install picasa


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