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Esta guía explica cómo puede utilizar mod_mysql_vhost para crear sencillamente hosts virtuales en un servidor web lighttpd en Debian Etch. Con mod_mysql_vhost, lighttpd puede leer la configuración vhost de una base de datos MySQL. Actualmente, puede almacenar el dominio y el documento raíz en la base de datos MySQL lo que se traduce en muy simple hosts virtuales. Si necesita más directivas para sus vhosts, tiene que configurar en la sección global de lighttpd.conf, lo que significa que sería válida para todos los vhosts. Por lo tanto, mod_mysql_vhost es ideal si su vhosts se diferencian sólo en el dominio y el documento raíz.
This guide explains how you can use mod_mysql_vhost to create simple virtual hosts on a lighttpd web server on Debian Etch. With mod_mysql_vhost, lighttpd can read the vhost configuration from a MySQL database. Currently, you can store the domain and the document root in the MySQL database which results in very simple virtual hosts. If you need more directives for your vhosts, you would have to configure them in the global section of lighttpd.conf, which means they would be valid for all vhosts. Therefore, mod_mysql_vhost is ideal if your vhosts differ only in the domain and document root.
This guide explains how you can use mod_mysql_vhost to create simple virtual hosts on a lighttpd web server on Debian Etch. With mod_mysql_vhost, lighttpd can read the vhost configuration from a MySQL database. Currently, you can store the domain and the document root in the MySQL database which results in very simple virtual hosts. If you need more directives for your vhosts, you would have to configure them in the global section of lighttpd.conf, which means they would be valid for all vhosts. Therefore, mod_mysql_vhost is ideal if your vhosts differ only in the domain and document root.
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